Hypertext Preprocessor

Shortcake (Shorcode UI) Support for Gravity Forms

I’ve been using a plugin for WordPress lately called Shortcake (Shortcode UI) which basically provides users a visual interface for inserting and changing shortcodes. I really like it and it makes inserting custom blocks of content beautiful in the WordPress editor. I was a little bummed to find Gravity Forms doesn’t already support  Shortcake, so […]

Extended CodeIgniter Loader Library

I’ve been trying to make contributions wherever I can to CI and one handy thing I’ve been using is an extended CI Loader Library. It adds 2 features: 1. The ability to alias auto-loaded models and libraries. 2. The ability to load a model or library from another CI application on the same server. Here’s […]

Switching IDEs! CodeIgniter Users Should Too!

I don’t know about you, but changing IDEs is a major thing for me. As my development skills have progressed over the years, I have been looking for more ways to take advantage of the development software I’ve been using. I am constantly wanting to improve my development experience and trying to find ways to […]

PHP Function for URI and URI Segments

Here’s a function I wrote to parse through the URI to get segments. I wrote it to use with CodeIgniter to get URI segments before they had been altered and “-” gets changed to “_”. It can be used in any application.


So it’s probably pretty late in “the game” to be posting this, however I thought I might do it anyway just for those that may want to get started using OOP in PHP. I’ve been using this for a while and improving it wherever I can, then I started using CodeIgniter which ended up having […]