
Basically everything else that isn’t related to design, coding, or scripting.

Blast from the past…

Anybody remember the video for Green Jelly – Three Little Pigs? I got to thinking about this song, and after downloading the mp3 from, I decided to hunt out the video. Since I love claymation, I felt the need to post it here.

IE 7 Sucks!

IE 7 Sucks!

Along with all the other problems that have long plagued Internet Explorer, with their newest release, one of the worst bugs I have ever seen is packaged with it. This video gives a good demonstration of what happens:

Major glitch in banking...

Major glitch in banking…

I used to work in customer service in a bank and I am currently working for a credit union, and I must say that the software writers that code for banking transactions need to fix a serious glitch. Here’s the situation: I have an account with a local financial institution that I use solely to […]

First Post

Ah! the infamous first post of a blog! It usually consists of me promising to say more when I have time and then end up never posting another article ever again. Well, I hope that is not the case this time. Instead, I think I’ll make a list of things I need to resolve with […]