
Creating a starburst

Creating a starburst

Difficulty: 2 (Beginner) Time: 5 minutes I decided to give tutorials a try and have seen how popular the “vector starburst” has become, so I decided to demonstrate a simple way to do that in Illustrator. There’s a pretty decent tutorial of how to do one in photoshop here, if you’re interested.

Major glitch in banking...

Major glitch in banking…

I used to work in customer service in a bank and I am currently working for a credit union, and I must say that the software writers that code for banking transactions need to fix a serious glitch. Here’s the situation: I have an account with a local financial institution that I use solely to […]

MySQL Custom Sort

Here’s something neat. If you want your SQL results in an order that’s not alphabetical or numerical, this little bit of code will allow you to specify what order you want your fields to appear.


This post is merely to display a block of code and how WP manages to jack it up. Notice the extra line break between each line of code. This isn’t going to work, and must be fixed! Also, aren’t the blockquotes cool!? Sed sodales nisl sit amet augue. Donec ultrices, augue ullamcorper posuere laoreet, turpis […]