Updated qrayg Menus

A while back I found a modified version of the Suckerfish dropdown css menus from A List Apart that had the CSS written out for 4 submenus. For the longest time I continued to return to the site (formerly Solar Dream Studios) to download a fresh version of the menus and javascript. Well, it appears that as of April 15, the author Craig Erskine has ‘completely overhauled’ the CSS. The stylesheet looks to be about half the size and is much easier to manage than before.

Check out the update here!

I’ve got to hand it to him, I have returned to his site over and over because, in my opinion, this is the only way to go when it comes to drop down menus. They are search engine friendly, require only a tiny bit of javascript (just to support faithful ol’ IE6), and fail quite nicely. He is also clear to mention that they only work with a valid DOCTYPE, which to me is important because it encourages those looking for a “quick menu script” to learn about validation and standards.

One day I hope to write a fancy menu creator which will be based off his primary css but allow you to easily customize the colors and styles in the menu with a color picker. Maybe even come up with some pretty simple themes for them. Maybe when I get some time, I’ll actually get to do all the things I say I plan on doing one day 🙂

Who else is using this menu?

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